Why 16kw

The name is an homage to the amount of energy spent to print the first prototype. We wanted to name the product after the brand to give importance to the story of its birth and development. This product is the son of a close collaboration between Koobz and the designer Fabrizio De Lucia from Affinity Space Design Studio.

as seen in

Embracing Earth positivity.

a 3D printer to enhance our research and development skills

Made to order

We believe that holding inventory, storing, and making excess stuff is not environmentally friendly, and that's not cool. Therefore, we will only make a shoe once you place an order.

a green forest to enhance the importance of sustainability for us

Reduce impact

Your shoes are made on a 3D printer in the USA, which reduces the carbon footprint caused by shipping from overseas. Printing also reduces operations necessary to make a shoe, which simplifies the process and makes it the most environmentally friendly way of manufacturing footwear.

a text that says "we hear you" to enhance the importance of equality

Empathy & Equality

By onshoring manufacturing, we want to embrace equal and fair pay ensuring our process is environmentally friendly. The 97% of footwear is manufactured overseas, where labor and environmental laws are not on par with the ones in the USA.

Keep up the pace.